
Allows for multiple group factor analysis alignment a la Mplus to be applied to lists of single-group models estimated in lavaan or mirt

Credit line

The alignment algorithm is described well on Mplus’s website:


Coming soon!


Installing from source

We recommend installing the latest development version of this package from Github to ensure use of the latest and greatest version. To do so: 1. Install the devtools package if you haven’t. In R, this can be done using the following code: install.packages('devtools') 2. Load the devtools package using the following code: library(devtools) 3. Install the AlignLV package using install_github() using the following code:


The ,build_vignettes=T is optional but recommended for viewing the vignette accompanying this package (COMING SOON). The AlignLV package is not yet on CRAN, so trying to install it with install.packages() will not work. This is coming soon!

Other installation options

While the above method should work for most users, there are alternatives: * The ghit library has an analogous ghit::install_github() function to that in the devtools package * Download the package as a .zip file, then run the following code and interactively select the .zip file to install: install.packages(file.choose(), repos = NULL, type = "source")

Additional license information

LICENSE: Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) * For more information on this license type, see * For more information on licensing for this package in particular, see the included file.

Bugs and questions

Bug reports and feedback are always welcome. For reporting bugs and requesting minor improvements, please use the “Issues” functionality in Github. For larger requests for improvement or scholarly co-operation in expanding the true score imputation framework, please email me directly at When in doubt, either contact method is fine.