Demographic data is provided from multiple datasets of the same source. To download the data, a naming framework has been implemented, which includes the source, group, year and final details for individual identification. Details are different for every dataset and are related to the internal information they contain. The general frame can be used as follows:
Demographic datasets are available for municipalities and departments, and contain data for Dwellings, Households, Population and Population Projections in five categories.
All datasets are retrieved from Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística (DANE). Naming is stated as follows:
below.For hands on examples please check A Deep Dive into Colombian Demographics Using ColOpenData.
Geospatial datasets naming is related to the level of aggregation, since they are available from Blocks to Departments. All these datasets come from DANE, and are part of the National Geostatistical Framework (MGN), which for 2018 included a summarized version of the National Population and Dwelling Census (CNPV). Available spatial levels include: department, municipality, urban and rural sector, urban and rural section, urban zone and blocks. Please check Maps and plots with ColOpenData for further details.
This module’s data is retrieved from Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) and is stored in an unique dataset, and the information required to use the related functions is the area of interest, dates, and tags to be consulted. Individual tags are required to download data and include:
These tags are meant to be used for download using
, download_climate_geom()
and download_climate_stations()
. See How
to download climate data using ColOpenData for further details.
Population projections and back-projections retrieved from DANE are available for national, department and municipality levels, and divided by sex and ethnicity (the latter is only available for municipalities). The names of the datasets relate to the source, years included, sex and ethnicity.
For examples on how to consult the data please refer to Population Projection with ColOpenData
To check available datasets you can use the
function. The associated information can be
filtered with the module
parameter to indicate a specific
module. Default is "all"
, but can be filtered by
, "geospatial"
and "population_projections"
. This
function can also be presented both in English (EN) and Spanish (ES)
with the language
parameter. Default is "ES"
but can be "EN"
as well.
To list only demographic datasets we can use:
demographic_datasets <- list_datasets(module = "demographic", language = "EN")
We highly recommend using View()
instead of
in the local environment for a cleaner and easier
visualization of the information.
Using this function, we can retrieve all names, source, aggregation level and information for individual datasets.
Sometimes, going through each dataset to find specific information
can be tiring. If you want to look for an specific word or set of words
within datasets quickly, you can use the look_up()
function, which takes by parameter:
to find datasets containing
all specified words, or "or"
to find datasets containing
any of the specified words (default is "or"
). If you are
searching for a single word, you can use either "and"
for this parameter."EN"
(default is "EN"
).We can specify a module to make a more narrow and precise search.
Datasets inside the geospatial module contain a summarized version of
the census and a dictionary is needed to understand all aggregated
variables. These dictionaries contain the necessary metadata to use the
available information. To retrieve them, we can use the function
, using the spatial level and
language as parameters:
DIVIPOLA codification is a standardized frame for the whole country,
and contains departments’ and municipalities’ codes. Departments have
two digits for individual identification, while municipalities have
five. The five numbers in municipalities’ codes include the department
where they are located (first two digits) and the number of the
municipality within the department (last three digits). The codes for
each municipality and department can be consulted using the
To get the DIVIPOLA code of a municipality or department we can use
the auxiliary functions divipola_municipality_code()
in ColOpenData.
To retrieve a department code we only have to include the department’s
To retrieve a municipality code we must include the department name and the municipality name. This is to consider repetition among municipalities’ names across departments.
These individual codes can be used to filter information in the datasets.
On the other hand, departments’ and municipalities’ codes can be
translated to retrieve their official names using