To cite GerminaR in publications use:
Lozano-Isla F, Benites-Alfaro O, Pompelli M (2019). “GerminaR: An R package for germination analysis with the interactive web application “GerminaQuant for R”.” Ecological Research, 34(2), 339–346.
See also citation("GerminaR") for citing R itself.
Corresponding BibTeX entry:
@Article{, title = {{GerminaR}: An {R} package for germination analysis with the interactive web application “GerminaQuant for R”}, author = {Flavio Lozano-Isla and Omar Benites-Alfaro and Marcelo F. Pompelli}, journal = {Ecological Research}, year = {2019}, volume = {34}, number = {2}, pages = {339--346}, url = {}, }