The opl_dt_c
function implements ex-ante treatment
assignment using as policy class a 2-layer fixed-depth decision-tree at
specific splitting variables and threshold values.
The function performs the following steps: - Standardizes threshold variables to the [0,1] range. - Determines optimal policy assignment using a constrained decision tree approach. - Computes and reports key statistics, including welfare gains and percentage of treated units. - Generates a visualization of the optimal policy assignment.
The opl_dt_c
function follows these steps: 1.
Standardizes selection variables. 2. Implements a grid search over
threshold values. 3. Identifies the optimal constrained policy
maximizing welfare. 4. Computes summary statistics and visualizes
treatment assignment.
This vignette provides an overview of the opl_dt_c
function and demonstrates its usage for decision tree-based policy
learning. For further details, consult the package documentation.
The development of this software was supported by FOSSR (Fostering Open Science in Social Science Research), a project funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU under the NPRR Grant agreement n. MURIR0000008.