SelectBoost 2.2.2
- Update email maintainer address
SelectBoost 2.2.1
SelectBoost 2.2.0
- Add more badges, logo and update pkgdown site
- Add github actions
- Added reference to a Leukemia article that used the Selectboost
algorithm to decypher multi-omics networks.
SelectBoost 2.1.0
- Added reference for the article about the Selectboost algorithm that
was published in Bioinformatics
SelectBoost 2.0.0
- Major imrovement of the package with new c0 sequences: “mixed”,
“zoom_l” and “zoom_q”. The use of the “zoom_l” sequence is recommended.
New function to perform a post-processing step that ensures that the
proportion of times a variable is selected is non-increasing with
respect to 1-c0.
SelectBoost 1.4.1
- Update to datalist, lazyload data to fix CRAN check, correct some
typos in readme and in compsim.simuls help page.
SelectBoost 1.4.0
SelectBoost 1.3.0
- Completed third vignette.
SelectBoost 1.2.0
- Error handling in foreach. Completed second vignette.
SelectBoost 1.1.0
- First vignette added to the package
SelectBoost 1.0.0
- First release of the package.
- Added a
file to track changes to the