The goal of ftDK
is to provide an easy wrapper in R for
the API of the Danish Parliament. You can see the website for the API
You can install ftDK from github with:
# install.packages("devtools")
::install_github("mikkelkrogsholm/ftDK") devtools
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
# See the avaible endpoints
#> [1] "afstemning" "afstemningstype"
#> [3] "aktstykke" "aktoer"
#> [5] "aktoeraktoer" "aktoeraktoerrolle"
#> [7] "aktoertype" "almdel"
#> [9] "dagsordenspunkt" "dagsordenspunktdokument"
#> [11] "dagsordenspunktsag" "debat"
#> [13] "dokument" "dokumentaktoer"
#> [15] "dokumentaktoerrolle" "dokumentkategori"
#> [17] "dokumenttype" "dokumentstatus"
#> [19] "emneord" "emneorddokument"
#> [21] "emneordsag" "emneordstype"
#> [23] "eusag" "forslag"
#> [25] "fil" "kollonebeskrivelse"
#> [27] "entitetbeskrivelse" "moede"
#> [29] "moedeaktoer" "moedestatus"
#> [31] "moedetype" "omtryk"
#> [33] "periode" "sag"
#> [35] "sagaktoer" "sagaktoerrolle"
#> [37] "sagdokument" "sagdokumentrolle"
#> [39] "sagskategori" "sagsstatus"
#> [41] "sagstrin" "sagstrinaktoer"
#> [43] "sagstrinaktoerrolle" "sambehandlinger"
#> [45] "sagstrindokument" "sagstrinsstatus"
#> [47] "sagstrinstype" "sagstype"
#> [49] "stemme" "stemmetype"
# Lets fetch the data for the "afstemning" endpoint
<- get_ft("afstemning")
ft_data #> Fetching 1763 rows of data
#> Putting it all in to one data frame
# Lets have a look at the data
ft_data#> # A tibble: 1,763 × 9
#> id nummer
#> <int> <int>
#> 1 1 411
#> 2 2 412
#> 3 5 412
#> 4 6 410
#> 5 7 408
#> 6 8 407
#> 7 9 404
#> 8 10 405
#> 9 11 406
#> 10 12 400
#> # ... with 1,753 more rows, and 7 more variables: konklusion <chr>,
#> # vedtaget <lgl>, kommentar <chr>, mødeid <int>, typeid <int>,
#> # sagstrinid <int>, opdateringsdato <chr>
This is a first version of the package. It does the job of pulling data from the API. Next up will be to create more elaborate functions. Please contribute to the package if you can.