CSIndicators 1.1.1
(Release date: 2024-01-24)
- Corrected error in SelectPeriodOnDates to allow dates to be
- Included CITATION file in the pacakge
CSIndicators 1.1.0
(Release date: 2023-11-20)
- Improve CST_PeriodMean() and CST_PeriodAccumulation() in order that
Dates from the s2dv_cube reflect time aggregation.
- Correct output coordinates consistency (coords element) in CST
- Include again ClimProjDiags and s2dv dependency due to a dependency
issue with an external package.
- Change default value of time_dim to be ‘time’ in all the
- Improve documentation of function MergeRefToExp mentioned the method
New features
- New functions to compute SPEI: PeriodPET, PeriodAccumulation with
rolling accumulation and PeriodStandardization.
- New functions to compute bioclimatic indicators: PeriodMax,
PeriodMin and PeriodVariance.
- Add ‘memb_dim’ parameter to MergeRefToExp.
- Add reference and improve documentation in MergeRefToExp.
- Substitute CST_Load by CST_Start in vignettes.
- Include new publication in documentation.
- Change to testthat edition 3.
CSIndicators 1.0.1
(Release date: 2023-05-18)
- Add EnergyIndicators vignette figures
- Remove ClimProjDiags dependency
- Remove s2dv dependency
CSIndicators 1.0.0
(Release date: 2023-04-05)
- Correct vignettes figures links.
New features
- Exceeding Threshold functions to allow between thresholds or equal
threshold options.
- New s2dv_cube object development for all the functions, unit tests,
examples and vignettes.
CSIndicators 0.0.2
(Release date: 2022-10-21)
- Correct figures of EnergyIndicators vignette.
- Sanity check correction in functions CST_PeriodAccumulation,
CST_AbsToProbs, CST_AccumulationExceedingThreshold, CST_MergeRefToExp,
CST_PeriodMean, CST_QThreshold, CST_SelectPeriodOnData, CST_Threshold,
TotalSpellTimeExceedingThreshold, CST_TotalTimeExceedingThreshold,
CST_WindCapacityFactor and CST_WindPowerDensity.
- Revise examples using s2dv::InsertDim in MergeRefToExp().
CSIndicators 0.0.1
(Release date: 2021-05-07)
- This package is intended for sub-seasonal, seasonal and decadal
climate predictions, but its methods are also applicable to other
time-scales. Additionally, the outputs of the functions in this package
are compatible with ‘CSTools’. This package was developed in the context
of H2020 MED-GOLD (776467) and S2S4E (776787) projects. Lledó et
al. (2019) doi:10.1016/j.renene.2019.04.135.