Introduction to ‘EpiSimR’


‘EpiSimR’ is an R package providing an interactive Shiny application for simulating the spread of epidemic and endemic diseases using deterministic compartmental mathematical models. The application allows users to:

This tool is designed for researchers, public health professionals, and students who wish to explore the dynamics of infectious diseases and assess intervention strategies.


To install and load ‘EpiSimR’, use:

# Install from CRAN

# Load the package

Launching the Application

To start the interactive Shiny app, run:



1. Model Selection & Customization

2. Adjustable Parameters

3. Simulation & Visualization

4. User-Friendly Interface

Example Use Case

Imagine a scenario where a new infectious disease emerges. Public health officials want to evaluate whether vaccination or isolation measures can help control the outbreak. Using EpiSimR, they can:

  1. Select an SEIR model to account for an incubation period.
  2. Set an initial R₀ of 3.0 (high transmission potential).
  3. Introduce a vaccination strategy covering 60% of the population.
  4. Observe the resulting reduction in peak infection levels.


For more details on deterministic compartmental models, see:


If you use ‘EpiSimR’ in your research, please cite it as follows:


This vignette provides an introduction to using ‘EpiSimR’ for epidemic simulations. For further details, refer to the package documentation and function help pages (e.g., ?run_app).