Species distribution models (SDMs) are widely used tools for
predicting the potential distribution of a species based on
environmental variables. However, it is crucial to evaluate the
performance of these models to ensure their accuracy and reliability.
One commonly used method for evaluating the performance of SDMs is
block cross-validation (read more in Valavi et
al. 2019 and the Tutorial 1). This approach allows for a more
robust evaluation of the model as it accounts for spatial
autocorrelation and other spatial dependencies (Roberts et al. 2017).
This document illustrates how to utilize the blockCV
package to evaluate the performance of SDMs using block
Two examples are provided: modelling using the
, and biomod2
Check new updates of blockCV
in the tutorial 1- blockCV
introduction: how to create block cross-validation folds.
Please cite blockCV
by: Valavi R, Elith J,
Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Guillera-Arroita G. blockCV: An R package for
generating spatially or environmentally separated folds for k-fold
cross-validation of species distribution models. Methods Ecol Evol.
2019; 10:225–232. doi:
The blockCV
package contains the raw format of the
following data:
)These data are used to illustrate how the package is used. The raster data include several bioclimatic variables for Australia. The species data include presence-absence records (binary) of a simulated species.
To load the package raster data use:
library(sf) # working with spatial vector data
library(terra) # working with spatial raster data
library(tmap) # plotting maps
# load raster data
# the pipe operator |> is available for R version 4.1 or higher
rasters <- system.file("extdata/au/", package = "blockCV") |>
list.files(full.names = TRUE) |>
The presence-absence species data include 243
points and 257
absence points.
# load species presence-asence data and convert to sf
points <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/", "species.csv", package = "blockCV"))
## x y occ
## 1 1313728.4 -2275453 0
## 2 1176795.0 -1916003 0
## 3 -1741599.3 -3927213 1
## 4 1099769.9 -4124055 1
## 5 1279495.1 -3901538 0
## 6 928603.1 -1342594 0
The appropriate format of species data for the blockCV
package is simple features (from the sf
package). The data
is provide in GDA2020 / GA LCC
coordinate reference system with "EPSG:7845"
as defined by
crs = 7845
. We convert the data.frame
as follows:
Let’s plot the species data using tmap
tm_shape(rasters[[1]]) +
tm_raster(legend.show = FALSE, n = 30, palette = gray.colors(10)) +
tm_shape(pa_data) +
tm_dots(col = "occ", style = "cat", size = 0.1)
Here, we generate two CV strategies, one k-fold CV using
and one LOO CV using cv_nndm
. See
more options and configurations in the Tutorial 1 - introduction to
Creating spatial blocks:
scv1 <- cv_spatial(
x = pa_data,
column = "occ", # the response column (binary or multi-class)
r = rasters,
k = 5, # number of folds
size = 360000, # size of the blocks in metres
selection = "random", # random blocks-to-fold
iteration = 50, # find evenly dispersed folds
progress = FALSE, # turn off progress bar
biomod2 = TRUE, # also create folds for biomod2
raster_colors = terrain.colors(10, rev = TRUE) # options from cv_plot for a better colour contrast
## train_0 train_1 test_0 test_1
## 1 204 166 53 77
## 2 209 218 48 25
## 3 214 187 43 56
## 4 200 191 57 52
## 5 201 210 56 33
Now, let’s create LOO CV folds with nearest neighbour distance
matching (NNDM; Milà et al. 2022) algorithm. To run
, you need a measure of spatial autocorrelation
present in your data. This can be done wither by 1) fitting a model and
use it’s residual to calculate spatial autocorrelation, or 2) use the
autocorrelation of response variable for it (Milà et al, 2022; Roberts
et al. 2017). Here, we calculate spatial autocorrelation range in the
response using the cv_spatial_autocor
range <- cv_spatial_autocor(
x = pa_data, # species data
column = "occ", # column storing presence-absence records (0s and 1s)
plot = FALSE
## [1] 362036
So the range of spatial autocorrelation is roughly 360
scv2 <- cv_nndm(
x = pa_data,
column = "occ",
r = rasters,
size = 360000, # range of spatial autocorrelation
num_sample = 10000, # number of samples of prediction points
sampling = "regular", # sampling methods; it can be random as well
min_train = 0.1, # minimum portion to keep in each train fold
plot = TRUE
## train_0 train_1 test_0 test_1
## Min. :210.0 Min. :145.0 Min. :0.000 Min. :0.000
## Mean :244.4 Mean :221.5 Mean :0.514 Mean :0.486
## Max. :257.0 Max. :243.0 Max. :1.000 Max. :1.000
You can visualise the generated folds of both methods using
function. Here is three folds from the
## [1] 500
cv = scv2, # cv object
x = pa_data, # species spatial data
num_plots = c(1, 10, 100) # three of folds to plot
In this section, we show how to use the folds generated by
in the previous sections for the evaluation of SDMs
constructed on the species data available in the package. The
stores training and testing folds in three
different formats. The common format for all three blocking strategies
is a list of the indices of observations in each fold. For
and cv_cluster
(but not
and cv_nndm
), the folds are also
stored in a matrix format suitable for the biomod2
and a vector of fold’s number for each observation. This is equal to the
number of observation in species spatial data. These three formats are
stored in the cv objects as folds_list
and folds_ids
with Random Forest modelFolds generated by cv_nndm
function are used here (a
training and testing fold for each record) to show how to use folds from
this function (the cv_buffer
is also similar to this
approach) for evaluation species distribution models.
Note that with cv_nndm
using presence-absence data (and
any other type of data except for presence-background data when
presence_bg = TRUE
is used), there is only one point in
each testing fold, and therefore AUC cannot be calculated for each fold
separately. Instead, the value of each point is first predicted to the
testing point (of each fold), and then a unique AUC is calculated for
the full set of predictions.
# loading the libraries
# extract the raster values for the species points as a dataframe
model_data <- terra::extract(rasters, pa_data, df = TRUE, ID = FALSE)
# adding species column to the dataframe
model_data$occ <- as.factor(pa_data$occ)
# extract the fold indices from buffering object
# created in the previous section
# the folds_list works for all four blocking strategies
folds <- scv2$folds_list
# create a data.frame to store the prediction of each fold (record)
test_table <- pa_data
test_table$preds <- NA
for(k in seq_len(length(folds))){
# extracting the training and testing indices
# this way works with folds_list list (but not folds_ids)
trainSet <- unlist(folds[[k]][1]) # training set indices; first element
testSet <- unlist(folds[[k]][2]) # testing set indices; second element
rf <- randomForest(occ ~ ., model_data[trainSet, ], ntree = 500) # model fitting on training set
test_table$preds[testSet] <- predict(rf, model_data[testSet, ], type = "prob")[,2] # predict the test set
# calculate Area Under the ROC and PR curves and plot the result
precrec_obj <- evalmod(scores = test_table$preds, labels = test_table$occ)
## modnames dsids curvetypes aucs
## 1 m1 1 ROC 0.8798258
## 2 m1 1 PRC 0.8734455
Plot the curves:
in biomod2
packagePackage biomod2
(Thuiller et al., 2017) is a commonly used platform for modelling
species distributions in an ensemble framework. In this example, we show
how to use blockCV
folds in biomod2
. In this
example, the folds generated by cv_spatial
is used to
evaluate three modelling methods implemented in biomod2
The CV.user.table
can be generated by both
and cv_cluster
functions and it is
stored as biomod_table
in their output objects (note: in
the older versions of the biomod2
package, the argument
was used for external CV folds. This has
now changed to CV.user.table
that also requires
CV.strategy = "user.defined"
and new column names. See the
example below).
# loading the library
# extract the raster values for the species points as a dataframe
raster_values <- terra::extract(rasters, pa_data, df = TRUE, ID = FALSE)
# 1. Formatting Data
biomod_data <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = pa_data$occ,
expl.var = raster_values,
resp.xy = sf::st_coordinates(pa_data),
resp.name = "occ",
na.rm = TRUE)
# 2. Defining the folds for CV.user.table
# note that biomod_table should be used here not folds
# use generated folds from cv_spatial in previous section
spatial_cv_folds <- scv1$biomod_table
# the new update of the package biomod2 (v4.2-3 <) requires the names to be as below
colnames(spatial_cv_folds) <- paste0("_allData_RUN", 1:ncol(spatial_cv_folds))
# 3. Defining Models Options; using default options here. You can use your own settting here.
biomod_options <- bm_ModelingOptions(data.type = "binary", strategy = "bigboss")
# 4. Model fitting
biomod_model_out <- BIOMOD_Modeling(biomod_data,
models = c('GLM','MARS','GBM'),
CV.strategy = "user.defined",
CV.user.table = spatial_cv_folds,
OPT.user = biomod_options,
var.import = 0,
metric.eval = c('ROC'),
do.full.models = TRUE)
# 5. Model evaluation
biomod_model_eval <- get_evaluations(biomod_model_out)
biomod_model_eval[c("run", "algo", "metric.eval", "calibration", "validation")]
## run algo metric.eval calibration validation
## 1 RUN1 GLM ROC 0.921 0.878
## 2 RUN1 MARS ROC 0.927 0.868
## 3 RUN1 GBM ROC 0.972 0.914
## 4 RUN2 GLM ROC 0.911 0.952
## 5 RUN2 MARS ROC 0.916 0.941
## 6 RUN2 GBM ROC 0.970 0.928
## 7 RUN3 GLM ROC 0.921 0.889
## 8 RUN3 MARS ROC 0.926 0.886
## 9 RUN3 GBM ROC 0.974 0.899
## 10 RUN4 GLM ROC 0.934 0.808
## 11 RUN4 MARS ROC 0.941 0.833
## 12 RUN4 GBM ROC 0.976 0.836
## 13 RUN5 GLM ROC 0.906 0.934
## 14 RUN5 MARS ROC 0.917 0.871
## 15 RUN5 GBM ROC 0.973 0.886
The validation
column shows the result of spatial
cross-validation and each RUN is a CV fold.
C. Milà, J. Mateu, E. Pebesma, and H. Meyer, Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation for map validation, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2022).
Roberts, D.R., Bahn, V., Ciuti, S., Boyce, M.S., Elith, J., Guillera-Arroita, G., Hauenstein, S., Lahoz-Monfort, J.J., Schröder, B., Thuiller, W., others, 2017. Cross-validation strategies for data with temporal, spatial, hierarchical, or phylogenetic structure. Ecography. 40: 913-929.
Thuiller W, Georges D, Guéguen M, Engler R, Breiner F, Lafourcade B, Patin R, Blancheteau H (2024). biomod2: Ensemble Platform for Species Distribution Modeling. R package version 4.2-5. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=biomod2.
Valavi R, Elith J, Lahoz-Monfort JJ, Guillera-Arroita G. blockCV: An R package for generating spatially or environmentally separated folds for k-fold cross-validation of species distribution models. Methods Ecol Evol. 2019; 10:225–232. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13107