Sometimes you need to simulate dissolution profiles with known f2 values to study its properties. It is relatively easy to do by trial and error, but that takes times. This is where the function sim.dp.byf2
comes into play.
The main principle of the function is as follows:
, fit a suitable mathematical model and obtain model parameters.
, the output of the function sim.dp()
, is available, no initial fitting is necessary as model parameters can be read directly from the output, unless multivariate normal distribution approach was used in sim.dp()
. In such case, initial model fitting will be done.dp
by calculating f2. If the the obtained f2 is equal to, or within the lower and upper limit of, the target.f2
, then the function will output the obtained model parameters and the new profile.There are two approaches used to find the suitable model parameters:
If target.f2
is a single value, optimization algorithm will be used and the newly simulated dissolution profile will have f2 equal to target.f2
when compared to dp
(within numeric precision defined by the tolerance).
If target.f2
is a vector of two numbers representing the lower and upper limit of target f2 value, such as target.f2 = c(lower, upper)
, then dissolution will be obtained by random searching and the calculated f2 will be within the range of lower and upper.
For example, you can set target.f2 = c(54.95, 55.04)
to have target f2 of 55. Since f2 should be normally reported without decimal, in practice, this precision is enough. You might be able to do with c(54.99, 55.01)
if you really need more precision. However, the narrower the range, the longer it takes the function to run. With narrow range such as c(54.999, 55.001)
, it is likely the program will fail. In such case, provide single value to use optimization algorithm.
, and random.factor
are certain numeric values used to better control the random generation of model parameters. The default values should work in most scenarios. Those values should be changed only when the function failed to return any value. See more details below.
The data frame sim.summary
in sim.dp.out
, the output of function sim.dp()
, contains dp
, the population profile, and sim.mean
and sim.median
, the mean and median profiles calculated with n.units
of simulated individual profiles. All these three profiles could be used as the target profile that the newly simulated profile will be compare to. Argument
defines which of the three will be used: ref.pop
, ref.mean
, and ref.median
correspond to dp
, sim.mean
and sim.median
, respectively.
The output of the function is a list of 2 components: a data frame of model parameters and a data frame of mean dissolution profile generated using the said model parameters. The output can be used as input to function sim.dp()
to further simulate multiple individual profiles.
The complete list of arguments of the function is as follows:
sim.dp.byf2(tp, dp, target.f2, seed = NULL, min.points = 3L,
regulation = c("EMA", "FDA", "WHO", "Canada", "ANVISA"),
model = c("Weibull", "first-order"), digits = 2L,
max.disso = 100, message = FALSE, both.TR.85 = FALSE,
time.unit = c("min", "h"), plot = TRUE, sim.dp.out, = c("ref.pop", "ref.median", "ref.mean"), = 50, = 0, random.factor = 3)
and dp
for the time points and target dissolution profile to which the newly simulated profiles will be compared, or sim.dp.out
, the output of function sim.dp()
if available.
is provided together with tp
and dp
, the latter two will be
is used for the random generation of model parameters by Pi=Pμ⋅eN(0,σ2), where σ=CV/100. The default value works most of the time. In rare cases when the function does not return any value or gives error message indicating that no parameters can be find, it might be helpful to change it to higher value. It is only applicable when target.f2
is provided as lower and upper
is similar to
above but just for the parameter fmax
since it is usually fixed at 100. If this parameter should also be varied, set it to non-zero value such 3 or 5.random.factor
is also used for the generation of model parameters but what make it different from
is that it is only used when target.f2
is provided as a singe value. Similarly, the default value should work most of the time so only change it when the function does not work properly.min.points = 3
. Therefore, if the provided dissolution dp
is a very fast release profile and there is not enough time points before 85% dissolution, sometime it is impossible to find a new profile. For example, if the profile dissolve more than 85% at the second time point, f2 method cannot be used. In such case, the function will return error message. You can set the min.points
to a smaller value such as
is a character strings indicating to which target dissolution profile should the newly simulated be used to compare by calculating f2. This is only applicable when sim.dp.out
is provided because the output of sim.dp()
contains the population profile and the descriptive statistics (e.g., mean and median) of the simulated individual profiles. If only tp
and dp
are provided, then dp
is considered as the population profile. See examples"sim.dp.byf2")
for details of the rest options.sim.dp()
Simulate a reference profile.
# time points
<- c(5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60)
# model.par for reference
<- list(fmax = 100, = 3, mdt = 15, = 14,
par.r tlag = 0, = 0, beta = 1.5, = 8)
# simulate reference data
<- sim.dp(tp, model.par = par.r, seed = 100) dref
Now find another (test) profile that has predefined f2 of 50.
<- sim.dp.byf2(sim.dp.out = dref, target.f2 = 50, seed = 123,
df2_50_a message = TRUE, plot = FALSE)
# Obtained model parameters and calculated f2 are:
# model seed fmax tlag mdt beta f2 regulation
# 1 Weibull 123 100 0 12.64313 0.9505634 50 5 EMA
# And the difference between simulated test and reference is:
# time ref test
# 1 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000000
# 2 5 17.50645 33.90194 16.3954842
# 3 10 41.97702 55.07461 13.0975882
# 4 15 63.21206 69.16227 5.9502154
# 5 20 78.55333 78.69918 0.1458519
# 6 30 94.08943 89.70594 -4.3834853
# 7 45 99.44622 96.46595 -2.9802714
# 8 60 99.96645 98.76491 -1.2015424
We can check how close is the calculated f2 to the target f2.
format(df2_50_a$model.par$f2 - 50, scientific = FALSE)
# [1] "0.00000002546319"
Obviously, change seed number will usually produce a different result.
<- sim.dp.byf2(sim.dp.out = dref, target.f2 = 50, seed = 234,
df2_50_b message = TRUE)
# Obtained model parameters and calculated f2 are:
# model seed fmax tlag mdt beta f2 regulation
# 1 Weibull 234 100 0 18.79381 0.9766384 50 5 EMA
# And the difference between simulated test and reference is:
# time ref test
# 1 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000000
# 2 5 17.50645 23.99744 6.4909873
# 3 10 41.97702 41.72465 -0.2523684
# 4 15 63.21206 55.17259 -8.0394689
# 5 20 78.55333 65.44558 -13.1077472
# 6 30 94.08943 79.38034 -14.7090890
# 7 45 99.44622 90.42543 -9.0207886
# 8 60 99.96645 95.52707 -4.4393825
# precision
format(df2_50_b$model.par$f2 - 50, scientific = FALSE)
# [1] "-0.00000002520504"
<- sim.dp.byf2(sim.dp.out = dref, target.f2 = c(49.99, 50.01),
df2_50_c seed = 456, message = TRUE)
# Obtained model parameters and calculated f2 are:
# model seed fmax tlag mdt beta f2 regulation
# 1 Weibull 456 100 0 15.21021 2.592495 50.0072 4 EMA
# And the difference between simulated test and reference is:
# time ref test
# 1 0 0.00000 0.000000 0.00000000
# 2 5 17.50645 5.436448 -12.07000281
# 3 10 41.97702 28.619403 -13.35761719
# 4 15 63.21206 61.885085 -1.32697120
# 5 20 78.55333 86.911731 8.35840266
# 6 30 94.08943 99.702551 5.61312563
# 7 45 99.44622 99.999994 0.55377716
# 8 60 99.96645 100.000000 0.03354626
# check to see that this is less precise, but still enough for practical use
format(df2_50_c$model.par$f2 - 50, scientific = FALSE)
# [1] "0.007204828"
and dp
The input can be just a vector of time points tp
and mean profiles dp
<- c(17, 42, 63, 78, 94, 99, 100)
<- sim.dp.byf2(tp, dp, target.f2 = 55, seed = 100,
df2_55a message = TRUE)
# Obtained model parameters and calculated f2 are:
# model seed fmax tlag mdt beta f2 regulation
# 1 Weibull 100 99.93122 0 14.95105 0.9513156 55 5 EMA
# And the difference between simulated test and reference is:
# time ref test
# 1 0 0 0.00000 0.0000000
# 2 5 17 29.70374 12.7037395
# 3 10 42 49.40932 7.4093173
# 4 15 63 63.28291 0.2829063
# 5 20 78 73.20627 -4.7937307
# 6 30 94 85.56580 -8.4342045
# 7 45 99 94.16588 -4.8341237
# 8 60 100 97.58245 -2.4175477
# check precision
format(df2_55a$model.par$f2 - 55, scientific = FALSE)
# [1] "-0.0000001511123"
Similarly, target f2 can be a range.
<- sim.dp.byf2(tp, dp, target.f2 = c(54.95, 55.04), seed = 100,
df2_55b message = TRUE)
# Obtained model parameters and calculated f2 are:
# model seed fmax tlag mdt beta f2 regulation
# 1 Weibull 100 99.93122 0 13.82642 0.9986969 54.98733 5 EMA
# And the difference between simulated test and reference is:
# time ref test
# 1 0 0 0.00000 0.000000
# 2 5 17 30.35827 13.358266
# 3 10 42 51.46227 9.462266
# 4 15 63 66.15634 3.156338
# 5 20 78 76.39192 -1.608077
# 6 30 94 88.49356 -5.506438
# 7 45 99 96.05507 -2.944932
# 8 60 100 98.61699 -1.383012
# check precision
format(df2_55b$model.par$f2 - 55, scientific = FALSE)
# [1] "-0.01266779"