dittoViz 1.0.3
- Expanded flexibility when adding lines to plots: Adds ability to
place sloped lines with scatterPlot() and scatterHex() via new
‘add.abline’ and ’abline.*’ inputs, as well as previously unavailable
opacity and lineweight control inputs for all existing ‘add.line’
dittoViz 1.0.2
- For scatterPlot() and scatterHex(), added the ability to use numbers
as data labels instead of the data-values themselves, because sometimes
data-values are quite long. Controlled with new inputs
‘labels.use.numbers’ and ‘labels.numbers.spacer’.
- Added new ‘color.method = “prop.”’ functionality to
scatterHex() which allows coloring bins by the proportion of a given
‘color.by’-data value.
- BugFix: Let ‘show.grid.lines = FALSE’ turn off grid lines (by
adjusting ‘theme’ before, instead of after, adding ‘theme’ to the
growing plot).
dittoViz 1.0.1
- Multiple improvements to ‘do.hover’ ggplotly() conversion
- BugFix: Fixed issue where ‘yPlot()’ jitter points appeared to get
rank-based locations when using ‘do.hover = TRUE’, by explicitly setting
the ‘group’ aesthetic.
- Improved default data shown when ‘do.hover = TRUE’. Defaults now
capture all data columns given to ‘var’, ‘group.by’, ‘x.by’, ‘split.by’,
etc. inputs, as well as all internally generated columns for when
multiple ’var’s or data adjustments are requested.
- Added ‘hover.round.digits’ input to give control over the maximum
number of decimal digits shown for numeric hover data.
- Added the ability to have vertical and horizontal lines drawn on top
of scatterPlot() and scatterHex() plots, controlled via new inputs
‘add.xline’, ‘xline.color’, ‘xline.linetype’, ‘add.yline’,
‘yline.color’, and ‘yline.linetype’
- Various behind the scenes updates to align with ggplot2-v3
recommendations and make warnings go away
dittoViz 1.0.0
dittoViz 0.1.0
- Initialized package with ‘scatterPlot()’, ‘yPlot()’, ‘barPlot()’,
‘freqPlot()’, and ‘scatterHex()’ visualization and ‘colLevels()’ and
‘dittoColors()’ helper functions