


Multiple studies are done in animals to ensure safety of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) prior to initiation of clinical trials. Pharmacologist or toxicologist may want to compare among the studies. So app generate a plot that shows all doses with calculated exposure margin, any user provided notes, and findings with degree of severity. Plot can be customized with other input button like sliders, drag and drop and checkbox. App also generate multiple summary table for all of the studies. Summary table also highly customizable and can be downloaded in different format.


Program Tab

On the landing page (Program tab) there is a button on bottom of the left sidebar called “Need Help?”. When user click on the button it will show how to use the app and will provide self guided tour for all the button in this page. User can crate new program by selecting New program in ‘Select Program’ input. This page have multiple other tab for figure and tables.

Edit Clinical Tab

There is a button on top of the left column called “Need Help?”. When user click on the button will provide self guided tour for all the button in this page.
Clinical Dosing chechbox have options to provide more information about dose. When user select a dose, there are more options appeared. By default, dose are in mg/day. But user can choose mg/kg. User need to make sure that unit match for provided clinical and nonclinical dose.

Clinical Tab

Edit Nonclinical Tab

There is a button on top of the left column called “Show Help Button”. When user click on this button, it will show two other button
1. Need Help? start here
2. Manual Entry
These button will provide self guided tour to this page and give information what all input button does and how to enter data here. There are two workflow for data entry.
1. Automated data entry
2. Manual data entry
If SQLite database connected to database then app can get all the study information from the study and fill out appropriate input. But If App run without database connection, User can fill out all the information manually here about study. In both case user still need to provide findings manually in the right column.